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Using the App
What are Push Messages?
How can I change the settings for push messages? Android and iOS
How can I give feedback?
What app versions are available?
Can I use the EGYM Fitness app on my Windows Phone?
Why am I missing workouts in EGYM Smart Strength and Smart Flex?
Why am I missing workouts in EGYM Smart Cardio?
How can I delete training sessions?
How can I add training session?
How can I use offers?
How can I use the destination center?
How can I see course offerings from my studio?
How can I request a trainer?
How can I book / cancel courses?
How can I create/modify training plans?
Why am I missing workouts in EGYM Smart Cardio?
Why am I missing workouts in EGYM Smart Strength and Smart Flex?
How does Activity Level work?
Why was my Activity Level lost?
How can I solve a connection problem with EGYM partners?
How does the analysis of muscle imbalances work?
What is part of the power age?
What belongs to metabolic age?
What is part of cardio age?
How does the connection with EGYM partners work?
What is EGYM Free Fitness App?